CM-Cabinets Library User Guide
In This Topic
    General Options and Pricing
    In This Topic

    This discusses the Settings on the various Profile Properties pages which is accessed by clicking anywhere on the image on the DoorMaster LT > Profile Doors page.

    This topic will discuss the Shaker1 Properties and the various pages that allow you to view, change and save new settings.

    Property pages and options made available will be dependent on the door style selected.


     General Options

    Users can save up to 3 different variations of the same door Series\Style (each having different settings).

    General > Options page

    Door Name

    Save can be used for the current version after making any changes.

    Save As New is used when you want to create a Version of the same door style.


    Edge Style and Editing

    Edge Profile

    Press the button to turn On  and Off  the use of Edge Profile.


    Use drop list to select default Name options.

    Edit Profile -

    The Layer, Offset, Depth and 3D effect are greyed out. To edit...

    • click on the image and an Edge Profile Properties will present allowing changes.
    • when you have entered the required details, click Save button.
      • The Reset button can be used if you change your mind.

    Edge Profile Properties


     General Pricing
    Click to Expand

    Click to Expand


    Option Explanation of Option
    Pricing Method

    Depending on the Pricing Method, calculate a price for the door as follows:-

    1) Override Material Price - Using this radio button option will apply only the pricing set here and ignore pricing set in the Materials Manager i.e.

    • calculate a profile price based on the pricing selections available on this page (which operate in exactly the same was as the material pricing does).

    2) Add to Material Price (default) - Using this radio button option will add the pricing set here to the pricing set in the Materials Manager i.e.

    • the profile price calculated in (1) PLUS the calculated material price.                   

    See relevant Pricing Tutorial on Materials Manager.

    Use Price Table

    Price any material based on its length and depth. Click  or   buttons to turn off/on.

    See Using Price Tables for full discussion.

    Price Table Folder

    Price Table

    Table Folder located using the drop list menu i.e. <your CabMaster folder>/Table/Materials folder.

    Table located using the drop list menu i.e. ...Table/Materials/xxx.QLT

    Click to view corresponding Table in the Duratech folder

    Click to view corresponding Table in the Duratech folder

    Area Price

    Price per sqm that can be set for all appropriate materials e.g. this could correspond to your suppliers' price lists.

    Can be used in conjunction with Price Table and Extra Price per item.


    You may purchase doors from a manufacturer in a raw state and ship these doors to another business who hand paints the doors based on an Area price rate.

    You would Use Price Table and create table containing raw door prices and enter the fixed amount per door in Extra.


    Extra Price Useful if accounting for fixed prices associated with material i.e. spray painting
    Markup (%) Used for sundry costs associated with materials e.g. cost of freight.
    Labour Table Folder Select a table from the drop list to override current labour pricing.