CM-Cabinets Library User Guide
In This Topic
    Properties Sidebar
    In This Topic

    A Quick Access Sidebar can be enabled which allows you to make minor modifications quickly to all cabinets and other items on the plan without opening the cabinet properties.

    Enable Properties Sidebar

    In your CabMaster software the Properties Sidebar command button is located on the Home tab.

    To enable the properties sidebar, select a cabinet and press the Properties Sidebar button which will open the Sidebar Module.

    The content and colours of the buttons can be customised using the Drawing Properties. See Display > Sidebar Layout & Customisation pages.

    Sidebar Modules

    The sidebar can be positioned anywhere on your CabMaster design page using the Dock Window.

    How do I Dock/Float the Sidebar module?

    One way is to use the Properties Sidebar menu and select either the Floating or Docking option.

    Default docked RHS - Click to Expand

    Default docked RHS - Click to Expand

    Another way is to use the smart docking markers which allows you to drag the cabinet preview window to a position where you require it to be docked and release.

    The sidebar module is split into four (4) Slots, each of these slots can show one of eight (8) different Modules as listed below. You can customise what is displayed on the Display > Sidebar Layout page.

    To locate information about any part of the following image, click on the area of interest.

    Modules for Dimensions, Angle and MoveCabinet are the default and these are reflected on both Cabinet and Page button properties, as shown in the image below. Simply click the Centre button to change from Cabinet to Page and vice versa.

    Properties SidebarProperties SidebarProperties Sidebar

    Cabinet Information button

    The Cabinet Information button displays the name of the cabinet and the number CabMaster has automatically assigned when placed in drawing.

    Pressing this button will open the local properties for the cabinet (or panel etc).

    See Cabinet Details > General Settings page for a detailed discussion on Local Properties accessed using the Cabinet Information button.



    Width, HeightDepth and other stated dimension of cabinet can be customised in the same way as on the Cabinet Details > General Settings page.

    Fixed Left or Fixed Right radio buttons allow you to select the Insertion Point in the same way as on the Cabinet Details > Options page of a Floor Standard cabinet, in the Misc group box. (See Example of Angle with Fixed Left and Right, discussed next.)

    Example of Insertion Point options

    Usually the cabinet is attached via the back Left corner, as you work left to right placing cabinets along a wall. (The back is the reference point where a cabinet is attached to the wall).

    Sometimes it is more appropriate to work right to left, and so the Right hand side insertion point can be set for that. (Note that snapping often takes care of you, so you can still work right to left even if the insertion point is on the left).

    Some fields may not be editable in all cabinets, however they will show the current value.


    Angle On Plan

    The Angle On Plan module shows the cabinet's current angle on plan which you can override by typing in a specific amount by which to rotate.

    You are able to do math in any input field e.g. 90deg+90deg would rotate the cabinet a 180deg from its current orientation.

    Example of Angle with Fixed Left and Right

    To illustrate the angle with the insertion point we will place a Floor Drawer (W: 500mm) next to a Floor Door (W: 750mm).

    Example of side by side cabinets

    Note that the grid has been turned on and the Floor Door cabinet's coordinates are :-

    • Fixed Left   X: 1000mm Y:5000mm
    • Fixed Right X: 1750mm Y:5000mm (i.e. 1000 plus cabinet width of 750mm)

    Now we will set the angle of the Floor Door cabinet to 90deg and compare Fixed Left with Fixed Right.

    Fixed Left compared to Fixed Right

    The effect of the 90deg angle is the same for both the Page and Cabinet Front modules.

    Click to Expand

    Click to Expand


    Move Cabinet

    The move module lets you move the selected cabinet by a specific amount and is used in conjunction with the directional arrow Cabinet/Page buttons.

    Example of Move Cabinet

    These functions work in the same way as using the Movement commands on the Insert tab of the CabMaster ribbon menu.

    The selected cabinet was initially at X: 1000mm. 1000mm has been entered in the Distance input field and after clicking the right arrow the cabinet is moved to the new position at X: 2000mm.

    * The example uses Cabinet module but the result will be the same if the Page module is used.

    ** If Fixed Right was selected, the only difference would be the X coordinate i.e. X: 2750mm.

    The Cabinet buttons move directionally relative to the Cabinet Front. The Page buttons move north, south, east and west relative to page.

    See discussion in drop section on the differences.

    Difference between Cabinet button and Page button

    This is a discussion of the difference between the Cabinet buttons and the Page buttons when used to move a cabinet.

    • Image 1 shows a cabinet placed on an Angle of 25deg and moved a Distance of 1000mm to the right, relative to the Cabinet Front.

    • Image 2 shows the cabinet placed on an Angle of 25deg and moved a Distance of 1000mm to the right, East of Page.


    Door Gaps Module

    The doors gaps module allows you to edit most cabinets door gaps.

    Panels and Fillers can also edit their Overscribes from this Module.

    See discussion in drop section for more on Overscribe and other options.

    More on Door, Panel and Filler Gap Options 

    Door Gap Options

    Options Explanation
    Top/Bottom Gap above/below the doors respectively.
    Left/Right Gap to the left/right of the doors respectively.
    Behind/Between Gap behind/between the doors respectively.


    Panel Gaps Options

    Options Explanation
    Flush with Doors Makes the end panel flush to an adjoining cabinets' door (provided the correct door gap is entered and the default depth is being used).
    Overscribe Height Adds extra to the panels cut height.
    Depth Overscribes the panels depth.


    Filler Gaps Options

    Options Explanation
    Flush to face of cabinet Makes the filler flush to an adjoining cabinets' door (provided the correct door gap is entered and the default depth is being used).
    Overscribe Width Adds extra to the fillers cut width.


    Door Cutlist Module

    The door cut list module shows the sizes and edging details of the doors and panels in the cabinet.

    Edging Codes determines the type of edge labelling that will be used on the reports and are defined on the My Setup > Misc Setup page.

    Panels Cutlist

    Panels have a similar CutList

    These details are the same as the Cabinet Information > Door page (or Cabinet InformationPanel page)

    See  Cabinet Details > General Settings page for a detailed discussion on Local Properties accessed using the Cabinet Information button.


    Carcass Cutlist Module

    The carcass cut list module allows you to see a preview of the part sizes in the cabinet.

    This list may be long and cause a scroll bar to present.

    Samples of Carcass Cutlist

    This is a sample of the Carcass Cutlist

    • When the cut list is longer than the available space a Continued... button will be presented.

    • Pressing the Continued...  button will launch the local properties window allowing you to view the full cut list.

    These details are the same as the Cabinet Information > Carcass page

    See  Cabinet Details > General Settings page for a detailed discussion on Local Properties accessed using the Cabinet Information button.


    Reports Module

    The report module allows to quickly run your selection of frequently accessed reports by pressing any of the four (4) customised buttons.

    To customise these buttons see the topic on Display > SideBar Customisation page

    For example, if the button displayed as  is pressed, then a report called "Quote" would run.

    You have the added option to run the report for the Cabinet Report only or for the Job/Drawing Report by using the radio buttons shown.


    None Module

    The none module allows you to have a blank area.


    See Also