CM-Cabinets Library User Guide
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    In This Topic

    Dates are user defined variables that can be referred to in custom reports. At the Catalog/Drawing level, Definitions are enabled and named under My Setup and (if enabled) default values applied under the Job Defaults categories.

    If these definitions are to be used for future jobs, then it is recommended to set these up in your Catalog. These can be overridden at Drawing level.

    My Setup Definitions

    Custom definitions can be created on the My SetupDates page in the Catalog/Drawing Properties.

    Create up to 25 Definitions by simply ticking a checkbox and typing in a custom heading.

    If one or more Definitions are enabled, then an extra page under Job Setup (discussed below) is made available to allow default values to be entered/set.

    Job Setup Defaults

    An extra page, also called Local Properties (shown below), is added to the Job Setup category only if one or more Definitions are enabled in My Setup (discussed above).

    The default values pertaining to the enabled custom Definitions can then be manually typed in on the Job Setup > Dates page in the Catalog/Drawing Properties.