CM-Cabinets Library User Guide
In This Topic
    Drawer Runner Calculating Hole Position
    In This Topic

    This is a brief overview of how the runner holes obtain their relative positions and how CabMaster determines the heights.

    Cabinet Properties

    The cabinet we will refer to will be a Floor Drawer, standard 600mm wide with 2 drawers.

    General Settings


    For this example we will focus on the drawerbox Blum Antaro D No Element 30kg Inserta, as shown below on the Drawers page.

    Cabinet Details > Drawers page : Blum Antaro D No Element 30kg Inserta with Front Height 362mm

    Cabinet Details > Drawers page : Blum Antaro D No Element 30kg Inserta with Front Height 362mm


    Include Drawer Front : Off

    Mach.General > Const2 page option 'off'

    Mach.General > Const2 page option 'off'

    Extra Notes: Height, Depth and Width

    Column Name Details

    These have default values based on the carcass dimensions and the selected drawer front heights.

    The drawer parts are made so that the box is level at the top regardless of the way the drawer base is attached.

    However, the Back and Front parts can be independently controlled with the drawer runner table using the 'BackHeight' and 'FrontHeight' columns.


    These have default values based on the carcass dimension and the 'Min Gap Between Runner & Cabinet Back' option.

    The available depths are those specified in the selected drawer runner table.


    Based on the available space within the carcass and the 'Gap' defined in the drawer runner table.

    This 'Gap' is the distance from the inside of the carcass to the outside of the side of the drawer box and is applied to both sides of the drawer box.


    View Machine Holes

    Cabinet level : Cabinet Machining > View page

    Cabinet level : Cabinet Machining > View page


    Drawing Properties and Tables

    We will now focus on the heights of the drawer runner holes and how CabMaster determined the heights.

    CabMaster will automatically determine whether a drawerbox is at the very bottom and adjust the height of the holes accordingly.

    In the following tables, all drawerboxes are looking at the exact same height positions with the bottom drawer, as mentioned, adding an extra amount for the thickness of the carcass bottom.

    All tables can be opened with Microsoft Excel, Windows Explorer or CabMasters Table Editor.


    Understanding Heights of Holes

    To begin understanding these heights, in Drawing Properties...

    Drawing Property : Pricing > Material/Hardware page

    Drawing Property : Pricing > Material/Hardware page


    Vertical Distance - VDist

    To find out what the vertical distance of the selected drawer runner is, using Windows Explorer ...

    1. Locate your CabMaster Folder and then the folder \Table\Machining\DrawerRunners
    2. Locate the qlt file referred to in 'RunnerHoles' column, which in this case also includes a subfolder i.e. Blum Tandembox\Blum 558 30kg Tandembox
    3. Open the table (.qlt file) by double clicking.
      • This will show both the vertical and horizontal positions of the runners.
      • The image shows a column called "VDist"

    The "VDist" amount will be added to the previous 9mm "BottomClearance" to give Cabmaster a position for the holes.

    These heights are determined as follows:-

    Top Drawer hole position: Bottom Drawer hole position:
    VDist = 24mm VDist = 24mm
    Bottom Clearance = 9mm Bottom Clearance = 9mm
    Bot 'Front' height= 362mm Carcass bottom = 16mm
    Gap between Fronts = 3mm
    Total Vertical Dist: = 398mm Total Vertical Dist: = 49mm


    Include Drawer Front

    If you would like the middle and top drawer runner holes within the cabinet to include the Carcass bottom thickness (16mm in this example) for consistency, then the option 'Include Drawer Front' should be turned on the Mach.General > Const2 page in your Drawing/Catalog properties.

    On the Cabinet Machining > Drw Adj page the option of including the Carcass bottom thickness can also be turned off/on.


    This would then change the existing runner hole locations as follows:-

    Top Drawer hole position: Bottom Drawer hole position:
    VDist    = 24mm VDist    = 24mm
    Bottom Clearance  = 9mm Bottom Clearance  = 9mm
    Bot 'Front' height   = 362mm Carcass bottom   = 16mm
    Gap between Fronts  = 3mm
    Carcass bottom  = 16mm
    Total Vertical Dist:  = 414mm Total Vertical Dist:  = 49mm


    Vertical Position - VPos

    Table Format: Explanation of Columns VPos etc


    The datum point from where the "VDist" (Vertical Distance) is measured.

    This is set to “Bottom” in this example so the ‘VDist’ is measured from the bottom face of the drawer base (+ve).

    If the VPos is set to “Mid” then the ’VDist’ is measured from the midway point between the top of the drawer base and the top of the drawer side.

    If VPos is set to “Side” then ‘VDist’ is measured from the top of the drawer side (-ve).


    Distance from front of carcass to first hole (in horizontal direction).


    Vertical offset of the first hole.


    Distance from front of carcass to second hole (in horizontal direction).


    to 16x and 16y

    The positions (E.g. 1x, 1y, 2x, 2y etc) can be different depending on the drawer runner length.

    Refer to left hand column of table for each available runner length.


    Drawer Spacers - Drill Runner Holes

    At Cabinet Level, if you are adding a drawer behind a door, you can include spacers to offset the runner from the edge.

    You have the option to drill the runner holes through the space so they line up with the runner holes in the Carcass End to assist in correct assembly.


    See Also