CM-Cabinets Library User Guide
In This Topic
    Material Selection per Part
    In This Topic

    All carcass parts default to the same selected material, but can be overridden per Part.

    Drawing Properties

    To override this for a job/drawing, on the Materials-Advanced > Carcass page of the Drawing properties, use the radio button 'Select for each Carcass part'. As shown, the Parts Carcass page will be added to the list of categories.

    Then on the Parts Carcass page, you can change the material of the selected part.

    In the following example, we have changed the shelf material to a coloured panel. Use the Reset button to change back to the Catalog settings.

    Parts Carcass page

    Cabinet Level

    You can also override per Part at cabinet level. This can be achieved on the Materials > Carcass page.

    In the following example, the dust panel material has been changed by using the Shelf radio button and then selecting a material using the drop lists.

    The dust panel is located below each drawer and separates one drawer from another and uses the carcass shelf material.