CM-Cabinets Library User Guide
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    In This Topic

    The options on the Visibility > Visibility page allows you to control whether the page appears at all at Drawing level.

    This Catalog property is only available from the Library Catalog Manager.

    Any changes made to the Catalog will only come into effect upon opening a New job/drawing.

    Open the Catalog from within the Library Catalog Manager.

    The Visibilities page itself is usually unticked (i.e. default) in the catalog, as shown, and therefore not shown on drawings. However, it can optionally have a Password set by ticking the Pwd checkbox and entering a password.

    Click to view effect of Visibility On/Off on the Drawing Properties

    Click to view effect of Visibility On/Off on the Drawing Properties


    Category Visibility and/or Password

    The following image shows the Catalog property with :-

    1. the optional Password set by ticking the Pwd checkbox and a password designated, in this example Password3
    2. a category is unticked, in this example Pricing.


    Clicking on the following image shows the effect of the above settings when a new drawing is created i.e. in the Drawing Properties :-

    1. the Visibility > Password page is made available and requires the password to be entered
      • when entered, the Pricing category is made available.
    2. it does not include Pricing in the list of categories, which means that pricing options are not made available for selection. 
      • if the Pwd option is not used, then this category cannot be made available for the project/drawing.
    Click to view effect of these settings on the Drawing Properties

    Click to view effect of these settings on the Drawing Properties

    When the Visibilities page password is used on a drawing it will have to be re-entered to turn the password control on again.

    If the password is forgotten then you will need to send the data file (.qid) file to support. A charge may be applicable to customers that do not have a current CustomerCare subscription. 


    See Also


    Library Catalog Manager