CabMaster distribute most of the runner tables and allows customers' to tweak the choice, detail and machining data for drawer runners using the Runner Editor. These amendments are written to a separate override file, thereby preserving the original which can be downloaded and installed from StoreMaster - see tip below.
Runners are grouped into one of three Runner Groups ...
Each Runner Group can have any number of Runner Sets associated to them. This allows for the creation of default runners based on the height of the available drawer space (up to 5 runners per set). Default sets for each group can then be selected at Catalog/Drawing levels and Cabinet level. Then as the cabinet is reformatted and the available drawer space changes, the appropriate runner will automatically be selected.
These three groups are fixed, as each Runner Group has its own construction rules. This means that you cannot create any more groups (even by creating a new group folder). A drawer runner file is required for each runner type and within this file there should be a row for each length in which the runner is available - this is handled by the Runner Editor.
StoreMaster is live and you can download all our tables for drawer runners from our website.
This shortcut button allows quick and easy access to tables and library updates made available free to all customers with a valid Customer Care Agreement - for more details see StoreMaster under Installations which includes a video and step by step instructions.
Details of suggested drawer runner sets can be found on the individual drawer runner product pages on our website. Alternatively, you can check your distributor's specifications.
Watch this video which explains how to create a new runner set on the Hardware > Drawers page in the Catalog/Drawing Properties and the affect on a cabinet when it is reformatted. (4:22mins)
The following video also explains how to create runners, but in more detail, as it also discusses supplier specifications and how to correctly define these. (5:05mins)