CM-Cabinets Library User Guide
In This Topic
    Using Price Tables
    In This Topic

    Price Table can be used to price any material based on :-

    This topic will simply discuss how prices are calculated, so that you can select the best method for your business. Tutorials on how to Add/Import and Edit Price Tables are provided separately.

    Price Tables can have a discount applied to all the values in the corresponding table.

    If you want your drawing to always use the current pricing for the materials then enable the Look Up Current Pricing option on the Pricing > Settings page as shown...

    Pricing > Settings page  -  Click to Expand

    Pricing > Settings page  -  Click to Expand


    Non Linear (Area) Pricing

    Materials such as doors are usually priced with an area or non linear rate based on its length and depth. 

    In this example the Cabinet Information shows that individual doors are 725mm x 371mm.


    Duratech/Caprice Gloss table  -  Click to Expand

    Duratech/Caprice Gloss table  -  Click to Expand


    Linear Pricing

    Materials such as Benchtop are usually priced with a linear rate based on its depth.

    For a cabinet with a width of 1000mm and a depth of 560mm, the price is :-

    Price Table  -  Click to Expand

    Price Table  -  Click to Expand

    Result: The length of the Benchtop is 1 meter x $57.75 from price table i.e. Cost price is $57.75


    Double Rolled Benchtop Pricing

    With benchtops there is a further consideration i.e. whether one or two edges along its' length is rolled or shaped in some way. Therefore a Price Table is used to also designate double rolled prices.

    The Price Table needs to have a row with Double Edge pricing e.g. a row DD-DF-101


    Enable Double Roll Pricing

    On the Pricing > Settings page of the Catalog/Drawing Properties :-

    Pricing > Setting page  -  Click to Expand

    Pricing > Setting page  -  Click to Expand


    Cabinet Priced as Double Roll

    On the relevant cabinet/s, tick Use Price as Double Roll located on either the...

    Cabinet Details > Benchtop page enable Price as Double Roll  -  Click to Expand

    Cabinet Details > Benchtop page enable Price as Double Roll  -  Click to Expand

    If the Price as Double Roll checkbox is greyed out, you need to enable Allow Double Rolled Benchtop Pricing.


    Benchtop   -  Click to Expand

    Benchtop   -  Click to Expand


    A cabinet with a width of 1000mm and a depth of 560mm, the price will be :-

    Result: The length of the Benchtop is 1 meter x $75.00 from price table i.e. Cost price is $75.00



    See Also