CM-Cabinets Library User Guide
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    In This Topic

    New Features & Enhancements

    Links to relevant topics have been added to assist in locating more detailed information.




    Catalog/Drawing Properties


    • DoorMaster LT : Series 5 Style 5 - Inner Pocket includes offset from bounding profiles


      The ability to offset the toolpath on both sides of the inner pocket is now available for the Series 5 Style 5 door profile.


    • Runner Sets : Ability to select 'Runner Set' tables for each runner type
      • The table selection has also been added to the runner set edit pages and cabinet's override.


        Customer with already defined runner sets are able to continue using their existing tables, as the format of the tables remains the same. However, there are restrictions on the naming of runner set tables.

        Click to Expand - Follow links above for more details on naming.

        Click to Expand - Follow links above for more details on naming.

     RDL Reports

    • Quantities Report : Has separated out 'Runners' as their own group (i.e. no longer with general Hardware)


      Runners are now reported separately (along with their length) from other Hardware on Quantities reports.


    Bug Fixes


    • DoorMaster LT : Secondary Profiles - Version defaults were incorrect
    • Job Setup : Hardware page - was not catering for multiple runner set files
    • Reports : Commercial page - was editing the incorrect 'Terms' file
    • Reports : Board by Usage variations - were wrongly grouping parts
    • Corner Fillers : Gap between Front Panels was incorrect when not a 90deg cabinet
    • Floor DrwDoor : DrawerBank Machining Incorrect
    • Furn Tall Standard : Hinge position labelled 'Handle' now 'Pull'
    • Furn Tall Standard : Door Gaps page - options misaligned when lower door removed
    • Universals and Robes : Dust Panels - Cam holes drilled through when not required to


    • DoorMaster LT : Edge Profiles - not individually selectable on alternative profiles
    • DoorMaster LT : Series 2 Style 8 - Vein Quantity option incorrect on alternative profiles
    • Floor Multi : Drawers only selection not working
    • Hinge Sets : Dropdown list of the Hinge Sets within a table was incorrect
    • My Extensions : Extensions : PluginMap Format error
    • RebateMachining : Was not always present when Back Rebates used
    • RDL Reports : Hardware - Some reports not using length to differentiate similar items
    • RDL Reports : Poly - Sort by Cabinet ID was not numeric
    • Tall Angled Walk-In Cabinets : DoorMaster LT Series 3 Style 6 J-Pull position incorrect
    • Window : Photoview export - black overlap areas showing




    • Bar Backs : Machining 'export as one panel' was not handling edging correctly
    • Bar Backs : 'Panel Orientation' option removed as was not used or relevant
    • Door : Entry Door - Could error re Frame Colour
    • Face Frame : Universals - Cabinet based parts list had stopped working
    • Floor Cabinets : Benchtop right back corner radius was not working
    • Floor Multi : Benchtop adjustment page was no longer being displayed
    • Materials Manager : "Optilink" now reads "Optimise"
    • Report and Export : Drawerbank Edging lengths were incorrect
    • Runner Editor : Hardware Pack details were not being overridden correctly
    • Runner Editor : would sometimes start without a valid runner file selected
    • Tall Appliance Towers : External Panels - Could error when made of Door material
    • Tall Returns : With Lower Doors and No Panel - Upper Hinge Plate Holes missing
    • Tall Split Cabinets : Upper Pipe Chase parts were not on machining parts list
    • Wall Fridge : Could error re 'MatPanel'
    • Wall RH : Pull Out - Pipe Chase parts were not on machining parts list

    DoorMaster LT

    • Series 5 - Outer pocket tool image updated on properties page
    • Series 5 Style 5 - Inner Pocket could have extra machinestep and incorrect inner offset

    RDL Reports

    • Hardware Packs option was missing from 'Drawing Properties | Reports | Hardware' page
    • Quantities - Bar Back panels were not reporting as one when option selected on cabinet
    • '(Cut) [and Finish] 1 column report by Usage-Cabinet-Material' - Grouping of items was incorrect
    • Quantities - Door material could double in size and area

    Universals and Robes

    • Dovetail Drawer in 3D was showing as a solid shape
    • Drawer spacer rail ‘other’ material could error
    • Drawers - Dust Shelf 'Cam Secondary' was not turning off correctly
    • Dust Panels Cam holes could be misaligned


    • Back - Could error re 'BackRebateTolerance'
    • Back - Could error re 'MachLayerNameBak'
    • Shelf - Labour page was missing