CM-Cabinets Library User Guide
In This Topic
    Runner Sets
    In This Topic

    This discussion applies to Catalog/Drawing Properties for the ...

    It is recommended that changes to Runner Set tables are made using the Form where possible.

    As the cabinet is reformatted and the available drawer space changes, the appropriate runner will automatically be selected.

      Watch the Video on how to add and edit runner sets.


     Hardware > Managers page

    The Form allows for the creation of any number of sets of runners for each Drawer Runner group, along with the heights at which they should be used (up to 5 runners per set).

    Hardware > Managers page  -  Click to Expand

    Hardware > Managers page  -  Click to Expand

    The tables for runner sets can be found in <your CabMaster folder>/Table/RunnerSet. Multiple runner set tables can be set up and then selected from for each drawer type. There are, however, restrictions on the naming of runner set tables.

    The table names for each type of drawer must start with...

    1. RunnerSet1 - for Standard
    2. RunnerSet2 - for Metal Standard - See example of Form and Table below
    3. RunnerSet3 - for Premium Metal
    4. RunnerSet4 - for Basket
    5. RunnerSet5 - for Corner

    This allows greater flexibility and runner sets can then be automatically installed when downloading runners from StoreMaster.

    Customers with defined runner sets prior to v12.003 are able to continue using their existing tables, as the format of the tables remains the same.

    Runner Set Form and Table

    This is an example of the Form and corresponding Table for a Metal Standard runner set.

    The Runner Editor allows you to manage overrides of individual runner properties that make up a set using a form instead on direct table editing.

    The Based on Front Height Only option is turned off as this is the default setting.

    Hardware > Managers page : Form with option BasedOn 'Off'

    Hardware > Managers page : Form with option BasedOn 'Off'

    Associated RunnerSet Table

    This table corresponds to the above RunnerSet Form. The first row contains the Height and Runner data for 'Blum - Expando'.

    Hardware > Managers page : Runner Set Metal Standard Table shows FH column is set to default 'No'

    Hardware > Managers page : Runner Set Metal Standard Table shows FH column is set to default 'No'


    Available Drawer Space

    Calculated as 'Front Height' minus Bottom Drawer Overlap (if applicable) minus Top Gap  plus Top/Rail Thickness (if applicable)

    • Example: With a top drawer front at 162, the space for the Top Drawer is 162 - 16 - (20+16) = 110
    • As it is the top drawer, it does not include the gap beneath the drawer.

    The height is the available space in the cabinet, not the drawer front height.

    • The available space is the drawer front minus any required gap below the drawer box minus any required gap above the drawer box.
    • Note that if it is the top drawer, a rail will interfere with it.


    Based on Front Height Only option

    If the 'Based on Front Height Only' option is turned on/checked, CabMaster will set the height automatically based on the panel height.

    Extra Notes

    Option On: The specified 'Height' will relate to the actual panel coloured front of drawer.

    Option Off: The specified 'Height' relates to the internal height of drawer which is often specified in your product suppliers catalog.

    To use the 'Based on Front Height Only' option the Runner Set Table must have a column FH 

    • No - default
    • Yes - use 'Front Height Only'


     Hardware > Drawers page

    Defaults for Runners Sets can be set on the Hardware > Drawers page...

    • in the Catalog/Drawing Properties.
      • This is the Default Runner Set initially used on opening a new job/drawing.
      • The runner set used is dependent the Default Runner Group also set on this page.
    Hardware > Drawers page default  -  Click to Expand

    Hardware > Drawers page default  -  Click to Expand

    When the runner or hinge set is updated using the Catalog/Drawing Properties, the current drawing is automatically updated.
    Cabinet level default also located on the Hardware > Drawers page

    Cabinet level default also located on the Hardware > Drawers page


    Runner Set Management

    The Form buttons are used to manage runner sets i.e. Add and Edit. [  Watch the Video]

    Add New Runner Set

    As shown below, the current Set default for the Metal Premium is a 'Blum - Antaro Inserta'  but we want to change it to 'Blum - Antaro Screw' which (for this example) is not available for selection from the Set drop list so we will have to create a new runner set.

    • Create Runner Sets by clicking on the Add button as shown.
      • This will open a Property dialog, which in this example is called RunnerSet3, as discussed next.
    Use the 'Add' button to open property  -  Click to Expand

    Use the 'Add' button to open property  -  Click to Expand

    • Click on the New button as shown below.
    • Type in a New Item Label with a descriptive name and ...
    Create a New runner set Item  -  Click to Expand

    Create a New runner set Item  -  Click to Expand

    • Click OK which will add a new item but, as shown below, there are no details for the Runner Set setup.
    New Item but with no details set up

    New Item but with no details set up

    • Click on OK to return to ...Runners Properties dialog, where we will now Edit to add details.


    Edit Runner Set

    As discussed above, we have added a new Runners Set 'Blum - Antaro Screw'  to the Metal Premium Runners Group, .

    We will now add details to the Runner Set table. Watch Video

    • Select the Set from the drop list that you want to amend.
    • Click on the Edit button
    Select Set from drop list and click on Edit button

    Select Set from drop list and click on Edit button

    • Clicking on the Edit button will open the Runner Set Properties form, shown below.
    • Folder: As this is a Blum product we will select the Blum folder using the Filter drop list.
      • Many folders can be setup in the background to hold different brands of drawer runner systems to make future selection easier.
    • Height: Now we will select the runners based on Height. This height can either relate to ..
      • the actual panel colour front of drawer i.e. 'Based on Front Height' or
      • internal height of drawer which is often specified in your product suppliers catalog.
    Folders are used to reduce clutter.

    Folders are used to reduce clutter.

    • In this example we have based the selection on the internal height of drawer.
      • First Height is always zero as it can be engaged for any drawer that doesn't have a height specification.
      • select the drawer from the Runner drop list specific to the type of drawer you are currently using.
      • Next Height will be 110mm for when the space gets to 110mm internally or over.
        • If using 'Based on Front Height' it would be engaged when the space height gets to 110mm.
      • Continue to enter as required, in this example as per image below. 
    Enter in Height and Runner details

    Enter in Height and Runner details

    • When completed press (1) Apply then (2) Save and finally (3) OK
      • Click on above image to see these buttons
      • The Reset button can be used if you need to go back to the details prior to you making changes.
    • This will return you to previous Runners Properties page which will now contain required details.
      • Click OK to return to the Hardware > Drawers page where you can change your Runner Set default.
    Return to Drawers page to change Runner default

    Return to Drawers page to change Runner default

    Remember changing default will automatically update the drawers in cabinets in the current drawing.


    This video discusses how to add and edit runner sets on the Hardware > Drawers page of the Catalog/Drawing. (4.25 mins)


    See Also