CM-Cabinets Library User Guide
In This Topic
    Universal Cabinet Machining
    In This Topic
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     Machining page

    View Machining

    Allows you to select the Machining View from the drop list of available parts.

    Generate Machined Parts

    The check box turns on/off the Generate Machined Parts Where Appropriate option.

    Turn Off All 'Special Holes'

    The check box turns on/off this option.

    Donate Machining to Neighbours

    Within cabinets, the parts that touch each other, donate machining to each other (such as construction holes).

    For example where an End butts into the Back, the End will 'donate' the construction holes it needs into the Back (the Back will then 'accept' these holes). The same thing can occur between cabinets (for example, the Back from one cabinet may butt into the End of another).

    This however, is not always desirable and so can be turned on/off using the check box.

    Clicking the Reset button will apply the default setting on the Mach.General > Tool2 page of the Catalog/Drawing Properties.

    By Part Opposite Face Machining

    When you press the 'By Part' button the following dialog is presented, allowing you to 'create opposite face DXFs' by part. .

    Opposite Face Properties

    The options to Create Opposite Face DXF (on right) are only available if the Drill All Holes Through From Opposite Face (on left) is disabled for that part. For example, the Back option has been disabled below.

    Click to view Default for non Shelf Holes is unticked

    Click to view Default for non Shelf Holes is unticked


     Machining Back page

    Accept Machining from Other Parts

    Within cabinets, the parts that touch each other, donate machining to each other (such as construction holes). However, is not always desirable and can be turned on and off using this checkbox.

    For more on Donate/Accept Machining, see Mach.General > Tool2 page of the Catalog/Drawing Properties.

    Extra Rebate

    This option is only made available when set to Between Ends on the Labour & Construction > Back page.

    Between Ends and Rebate settings

    Labour & Construction > Back page  -  Click to view

    Labour & Construction > Back page  -  Click to view

    Always include Rebate

    This check box turns on/off the Always include Rebate in Sizing option i.e. size Back for rebate (when machining not 'Other'). This allows Backs to be over or undersized using the Rebate property (even when not rebated).

    Default Construction is set on the Mach.General > Const page of the Catalog/Drawing Properties.


     Machining Kick page
    Click to Expand

    Click to Expand

    Accept Machining from Other Parts

    Within cabinets, the parts that touch each other, donate machining to each other (such as construction holes). For example where an End butts into the Back, the End will 'donate' the construction holes it needs into the Back (the Back will then 'accept' these holes). The same thing can occur between cabinets (for example, the Back from one cabinet may butt into the End of another). This however, is not always desirable and so can be turned on/off using the check box.

    Machine the Kickboard

    Ticking this check box provides the ability to machine the kickboard parts that come with the individual cabinets.


    Allows you to change the fixing using a drop list of Construction Methods.

    Fix to Part

    Options allow you to select the quantity of construction fixing points (i.e. number of screws or cams) for the kickboard parts for the Part Above and Parts Left and Right. These are spaced evenly along the edge.

    Construction Hole Positioning

    Construction holes settings allow local control of hole spacing.



    The Hinge and Hinge2 pages allow doors to be hinged on any of the 4 sides i.e. Top, Bottom, Right or Left. This allow you to create lift and drop down doors on cabinet when required.

    Other Wall cabinets such as Wall Standard also have 'Lift' hinge options. These can be either a single or double door.